Frequently Asked Question

What Technology do you use?
We Work on the Latest Microsoft Frameworks like MVC and Nhibernate. Database is MS SQL
What is the Cloud or SAAS Model?
In Cloud Model the Software is deployed at a remote datacenter managed by professionals. You pay for it on the annual basis.
What is On Premise or Perpetual Model?
In Perpetual Model, the Software and database is deployed at your premise on your server. The data is at your own Server only.
What is the time perriod to start?
You can start working on OnePro ERP in just 3 days. Based on the data availibility and team training, the entire operations can go-live in few weeks.

Key Features for Add-ons Modules

    There are many more addon Modules like MAchine Maintenance, Vehicle Tracking etc which can be added to enhance your usability and improve overall efficiencies